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Tropical Blue Shirt
Maroon Joggers
Black Shirt
Cardinal Red Hood
Light Pink Shirt
Cardinal Red Hood
Tropical Blue Shirt
Maroon Joggers
Black Shirt
Eccedentesiast (ecce-den-te-si-ast) = someone who hides behind a smile.
Eccedentesiast is derived from Latin:
ecce = I present to you /dentes= teeth /iast = performer
It's a term for an act so familiar. To smile and mask the troubles or issues that one is facing can be scary. Thats what I want to make aware of. Many people fight battles behind closed doors and I want to use this brand to increase awareness of the help that's provided for those stuck in a tough spot in life.
Recently the Suicide Prevention lifeline changed to a 3-digit number (988).
The same 3 digit number that'll be custom made into all products available on this site.
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